My name is Mike (Jingyu) He. I am a UX Designer and Researcher in Toronto, Canada. With an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Illinois and a master's degree in User Experience Design from the University of Toronto, I specialize in both design and research.
I speak for the users and strive to balance aesthetics and functions in my design.
OneEleven Website Redesign
Incubator | Entreprenuership | Web Design
A website that promotes OneEleven's service offerings and facilities to start-up founders.
Graphic Design & UX Design at the Innovation Hub, U of T
Education | Human-centred Design | Web Design | Graphic Design | Digital Media Design
As the Communications Coordinator, I produced various digital designs and iterated on feedback.
Glide Fashion (UI Design)
AR clothing App
AR | Fashion | UI Design | Interactive Design
An interactive mirror that help busy shoppers choose clothes that best fit their needs and tastes.
Finance Mobile App Redesign
Start-up | Finance | Mobile Design
A brand-new money transfer app for Africans to send money to friends, family and loved ones.
Time Management Mobile App
Student Life | Time Management | Mobile Design | Academics
An app that reminds college students of every academic task and helps them start early.
Fitness App Research
UX Research | Fitness
Doing interviews & diary studies & analyzing data. Coming up with design recommendations at the end..
HeyTea 喜茶 Poster Design
Graphic Design
A poster for hiring employees for HeyTea.