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User Research for Fitness app 

In this 12-week project, we need to define a specific problem statement in the fitness sector, design and conduct a survey and diary study,  and analyze the data. The final goal is to come up with design recommendations for the fitness app.


Young professionals working from home have difficulty sustaining their motivation to maintain regular exercise habits; thus, they are not meeting the recommended physical activity level.

Roles & Duration

  • Conducted interviews and diary studies

  • Analyzed data

  • Wrote report and design recommendation

  • Designed a poster

Sep 2021  - Dec 2021


  1. Secondary Research

  2. Problem Statement & Research Questions

  3. Interview Analysis

  4. Diary Study & Analysis

  5. Design Recommendation


Target Users

Young Professionals

Professional Woman

20-35 years old

Residents of Canada

Working from home

Cat and Working

9 AM - 5 PM

Monday to Friday

Sedentary lifestyle

Image by Avel Chuklanov

Desk jobs

Mostly at home

Research Questions

1. What factors motivate young professionals working from home to maintain regular exercise habits?

2. What are the existing practices people use to maintain their motivation to exercise?

Study 1 : Interview




16 Participants

8 men, 8 women

12 single, 4 married

20-35 years old

30 Minutes



Interviews were conducted remotely via Zoom, WeChat, WhatsApp and Google Meet calls

Identify Current Practices and motivating factors of exercising 

Data Analysis

We took a deductive approach to data analysis. The analysis was conducted in two phases. First, each researcher independently analyzed the data from interviews they had conducted to identify themes and their patterns. Then, all researchers came together to present their results. During the group analysis, we examined and combined overlapping themes identified in individual analysis,

Thematic Analysis.webp

Identify themes and patterns in interview

Work Model v1.webp

Cultural work model for exercising based on data

Study 2: Diary Study

In this study, we sought to gain insight into motivation and behaviour related to physical activity habits. As a result, it was crucial to gather behavioural data in addition to attitudinal data from interviews. In addition, interviews rely on participants' memories, which may not provide a complete picture of factors that influence their experiences due to missing details and forgotten memories. Finally, establishing behaviour patterns requires continuous data collection over an extended period. Diary studies are ideal for collecting such data.




4 Participants, 20 - 35 years olds

A week, two times a day

Google Form

Data Analysis

We completed the quantitative analysis by downloading Google form responses and analyzing them in Excel.  We then conducted a qualitative analysis by creating an affinity diagram.

Quantitative Analysis.webp

Quantitative Analysis

Diary Study - Affinity Diagram.webp

Qualitative Analysis

Research Insights

Current Practices

For current practices, we found that some exercise alone while others exercise in groups. When people exercise with others, they are more motivated and in a better mood. The use of devices like weighing scales and mobile app trackers is also common. 


We found that when individuals see their fitness progress, they feel a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, monetary investment and social rewards such as bonding with friends, further motivate people to exercise.


Tight work schedules emerged as the biggest barrier reported by our participants.


Furthermore, lack of access to exercise infrastructure, poor weather and low energy levels are barriers that decrease motivation to exercise. 

Design Recommendations

Facilitating commitment


Include elements of competition to support socializing

We recommend socializing exercises by including elements of competition because motivation levels are higher when individuals share their activity with someone.


Offer varying levels of financial commitment

Offering varying levels of financial commitment would ensure that money acts as motivation when appropriate without becoming a barrier.

Accommodating Flexibility


Take into account daily schedules to support exercise routine

Considering people’s daily schedules and helping them find suitable time during the day to fit in some physical activity would reduce the likelihood of skipping exercise.

Present physical activity options that do not demand a lot of time and energy

By doing this we can ensure that young professionals are able to participate in some form of exercise every day and therefore reinforce their habits.

Allowing for a flexible physical setting (indoors, outdoors, individually or in groups) would further enhance their ability to use whatever is currently available to them.

Accommodate flexible settings for exercise


Making it easy to restart exercise routines after unintentional breaks would ensure that young professionals are not demotivated because of it.

Provide support to rebound from unexpected situations such as poor weather and overtime work

Evoking a sense of accomplishment


Facilitate viewing and monitoring of fitness journey

Participants feel rewarded physically and mentally after exercising. Being able to view and monitor progress is a key factor that keeps people motivated to follow through with their commitments and habits.


Include a reward system

Rewards play a critical role in encouraging young professionals to pursue physical activity. Being rewarded for achieving a milestone would increase the likelihood of sticking to a physical activity routine.


Support data syncing from multiple devices

Tracking and monitoring require data collection and synchronization on a regular basis, it is important that we make it as seamless as possible.

©2024 by Jingyu He.

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